New in CIARP
- The proceedings of CIARP 2023 are published in two volumes: LNCS 14469 | LNCS 14470
- Program is now available.
- CIARP 2023 registration is now only possible onsite.
- Best Paper, Best Student Paper and the winner of the Aurora Pons-Porrata award will all have the opportunity to submit an extended version for a Special Section of Pattern Recognition Letters Journal.
- CIARP 2023 will have three tutorials running on the afternoon of 27th November.
- CIARP 2023 Keynote Speakers alignment.
- How to navigate the ISEC campus

CIARP is a series of annual international conferences devoted to all aspects of pattern recognition, computer vision, artificial intelligence, data mining and related fields.
This conference will be a forum for the exchange of scientific results and experiences, as well as the sharing of new knowledge, and the increasing of the co-operation between research groups in pattern recognition and related areas.
This 26th edition is hosted and organized by the Coimbra Institute of Engineering (ISEC) and the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra (IPC), supported by the Portuguese Association for Pattern Recognition (APRP), and endorsed by the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR).